Friday, January 13, 2012

Guerilla Progress

Well, I posted (nearly) all the poems I'd sourced at the library and had permission to use, and all of the work submitted by local poets.

I also chalked words at Devonport Ferry Wharf and a few other locations. I loved the chalking - somehow made me feel very empowered.  The idea that I was graffiti-ing, and yet doing good not harm. Like good graffiti art versus tagging.

Next day the words I'd chalked at the wharf were gone.  I'm guessing that the 'empowered' security guard who'd asked me what I was doing decided he was bigger, better and more powerful than I...

However, words I'd chalked at the base of the clock near the wharf remained, and I added a few around the place. I'd like to do it again.

It's been great noticing which poems are still there!  And seeing people stop and read them.

Early removals were the other poems I'd tied to posts on the wharf.  The local real estate agent clearly did not appreciate the senryu:

i'll find one I like

and the local arty farty bookshop took down:

so much store in words
in my experience
the fewer the better

I'm assuming that it was the shop staff who removed these poems, and not a poetry lover who just wanted them for themselves!

I'd like to rerun the event, with funding, assistance, more chalking and perhaps some kind of daytime event to really draw attention to the poems.

Running it over the Christmas holiday works well in some ways since here in NZ it's the long summer holidays so lots of people are around.  But it's also meant that I felt pretty busy and basically failed to drum up any media coverage.

A spring version of the event would be good... watch this space.  And I'll post photos in the next couple of days.